Events & Happenings

Teachers Orientation at DB Lonavla

The staff of Don Bosco High School and Junior College, Lonavla, participated in an engaging session on 6 and 7 June 2023, which was led by Mr Neil Azavedo, a dynamic communication skills expert and speech and drama trainer.

It was a truly enlightening and enjoyable session where the staff learned novel and useful ways to increase vocabulary, correctly spell words, improve communication skills, and engage in a variety of other interesting and enjoyable activities. Mr Azavedo gave the teachers demonstrations of a variety of games and activities designed to spark students’ interest in their studies. Additionally, he discussed how different students learn in different ways, using real-world and personal examples to illustrate his point.

Mr Azavedo’s invaluable advice helped the staff conduct their English classes and other classes in general, and they will always be grateful for that. Mrs Asgari Syyed, a teacher, remarked: “The session was very interesting and innovative, and I learned many new things from it.”

On 7 June 2023, the staff of Don Bosco High School and Junior College, Lonavla, were also exposed to the various problems faced by children with learning disabilities in the session that was conducted for them by Mr Rahul Lalwani who is a renowned clinical psychologist, a remedial educator, and a career counsellor.

The staff was acquainted with the behavioural patterns of slow learners, which would help them in their identification, and they also mastered the techniques of helping these students overcome their challenges. Mr Lalwani took a detailed session focusing on each type of learning disability that is found in the classroom, such as dyslexia, ADHD, and autism spectrum disorder.

After the input part of the session, Mr Lalwani ensured that he gave satisfactory responses to the various questions posed to him by the staff members. The session ended with the staff thanking Mr Lalwani for his expert guidance, which would enable them to gain a better understanding of the problems of children with learning disabilities.

Both of these sessions that were taken are very pertinent because they will help the teachers be more efficient and creative in their approach to the students. They are now equipped with various tools that they can use to tap into the creativity of their students. They are also equipped to identify and help students with learning disabilities. This is indeed a wonderful way to be prepared for the new academic year.

Come, Follow Me: Vocation Camps 2023

The community of Don Bosco, Lonavla, along with the Vocation Team of the Salesian Province of Bombay organized two vocation camps to select boys aspiring to join Don Bosco, Lonavla, to have an experience of the place and to discover God’s call in their life. Both camps were a week-long with the first one beginning on 2 May 2023 and the second one beginning on 9 May. Each day of the camp focused on particular themes revolving around the aspect of following Jesus.

On the first day of the two camps, the boys were introduced to the house and the focus of the Vocation Camp. Keeping to the theme ‘Following Jesus through my Talents’, Fr Joyston Machado conducted a session on talents wherein he guided the boys towards understanding the preciousness of one’s talents and how God uses it for a greater good if only we are generous with our talents. The second day dealt with the theme of ‘Following Jesus with my Friends’. In this regard, the focus was on how we need to value our friendships and how good friendships lead us closer to Jesus. ‘Following Jesus through my Choices’ was the theme for the third day. During the course of the day, Fr Bosco Carvalho moderated a panel discussion along with the volunteer so as to help the campers understand how life is at Don Bosco, Lonavla. Two teachers from the school, Ms Qaafiya Syed and Ms Priya Shinde, oriented the campers on the school curriculum. Later in the evening of that day, a few Salesians shared their vocation stories and how Don Bosco Lonavala helped them understand God’s call in their life. The campers were also asked to fill in their applications to join Don Bosco Lonavala for the following academic year.

The following day, the campers reflected on the theme of ‘Following Jesus through Service’. In this regard, Fr Velasli Bandya conducted a session on Biblical calls. He helped the campers understand how vocation is seen throughout the scriptures and how various Biblical figures responded to God’s call. The fifth day was when the campers reflected on the life of Dominic Savio and how he followed Jesus by being holy. Br Aliester D’Souza conducted a session wherein he helped the boys understand how Dominic Savio is a good example of holiness and how we too can imitate him in simple ways. Later in the day, the animators organized a special ‘Savio Nite’ wherein games and quiz rounds were organized that were based on the life of Dominic Savio. On the sixth day, the campers reflected on how one ought to follow Jesus with joy. Following this theme, the campers were introduced to the life of a Salesian: from the point of view of a Salesian priest and from the perspective of a Salesian Brother.

Apart from the various input sessions held throughout the camp, there were also many moments of team-building. Every evening after dinner, a special event was organized for the campers.

These included games, movies, as well as a display of one’s talents. The campers also embarked on a trek towards Tungarli dam so as to bond with their team members. The camp concluded on the seventh day with the theme ‘Following Jesus with Don Bosco’.

The Vocation Camps were quite a success thanks to the amazing rapport between the Salesians and the Animators. The animators comprised of the aspirants of Std 11 and the prenovitiate candidates. The boys were quite thrilled with all the activity and energy throughout the camp. They were very grateful for all that was done for them for the camp and were looking forward to the various opportunities that would be presented to them at Don Bosco, Lonavla.

Scouts and Guides Camp at DBL

In honour of the birthday of Baden Powell, the founder of Scouting, Don Bosco High School & Junior College Lonavla along with Auxilium Convent Lonavla organized a scout week that commenced on 20 February 2023. The theme for the event was ‘Together Heal Our World, Heal Our Future’. During these days, Scouts and Guides from Classes 6, 7 and 8 were divided into different troops and were taught many scouting skills during the camp.

Fr Velasli Bandya, the Troop Leader, addressed the scouts and oriented them into the importance and significance of the Scout camp. Fr Joyston Machado, the assistant Camp Chief, animated a prayer service for the scouts for each day of the camp. The campers were trained in participating in a flag break, understanding and exercising using the six exercises proposed by Baden Powell. Br Alfred Menezes along with the scoutmasters and guide captains of the two schools conducted the basic informative sessions regarding scouting.

On 22 February, the commemoration of the birthday of Baden Powell, the campers moved around the town of Lonavala in a peace march, shouting slogans and walking with posters promoting the message of protecting the Earth, our common home. The children were also taught how to perform first aid, one of the basics of Scouting. Ms Vaishnavi Kadu, taught the students how to read and use Morse Code and hand signals. The campers also learnt to make their own woggles during their spare time using the macramé threads given to them. Apart from using their creativity during the spare time activity, a quiz was also conducted by Fr Machado on the basics of Scouting and Don Bosco.

The highlight of the camp was the visit of Mrs Surekha Jadhav, the president of the Lonavla Municipal Corporation, along with a few members of the Municipal Corporation on 23 February. They were felicitated with a scarf and a momento. On the same day, the children’s parents also visited the camp site to see the various things on display in the various tents.

The camp came to a close on 24 February with a grand campfire organized by the Troop Leader along with Cl. Menezes and Cl. Ethan Fortes. The various troops had to present a skit on the theme of the camp while also showcasing their dancing skills.

At the close of the camp, many of the children were left contented with all that they learnt at the camp. Ms Darshini Shelke, one of the students from Auxilium Convent Lonavla, said that the camp was very memorable and enjoyable.

Crosswinds: A Diamond Jubilee Tribute

As part of the Diamond Jubilee celebration, the staff and students of Don Bosco High School & Junior College, Lonavla staged the musical Crosswinds for their Annual Day on 28 and 29 January 2023.

On the first day, the musical was graced by the presence of Mr Sitaram Dubal, who is currently serving as the Inspector of Police of Lonavla. As an Inspector of Police, he has brought about a tremendous change in the law and order especially with regard to traffic rules. The Guest of Honour was Fr. Godfrey D’Souza, former Provincial of the Province of Bombay.Ms Ruth Dethe, former Principal of the institution, was the Chief Guest for the second day, while Mr Apurba Chatterjee, a retired teacher of the institution, was the Guest of Honour.

The Chief Guest and the Guest of Honour of the respective days presented awards to various students on achieving various milestones and accomplishments. The toppers of the school and junior college for the Board Exams were felicitated for their achievement. Some of the students were also awarded scholarships for their accomplishments in academics as well as various co-curricular activities conducted by the institution. The Principal, Fr Ranson D’Souza, also presented the Annual Report.

The highlight of the evening, the musical, was composed by Mr Joey Mendonza and his team. The story focused on the life at Don Bosco, Lonavla, and the influence the Salesians have on the aspirants and students of the school. Each scene in the musical portrayed a particular aspect in the life of Don Bosco Lonavla, like the dynamics involved in one’s interactions with one’s fellow mates or the uniqueness of a good night talk or the importance of prayer, work and study in every Salesian school. The students of Classes 10 and 12 also performed a special dance on the theme ‘Tolerance’ to spread the message of peace and universal brotherhood.

The musical was a huge success as many benefactors and well-wishers present found it exquisite and delightful. Mr Carl Correa, a past-pupil of Don Bosco Lonavla, said that he was thrilled to see the level of involvement and energy of all the staff and students in staging the musical. Ms Vaishnavi Kadu, a teacher, added that the hard work put in throughout the preparation of the musical was clearly seen in the quality of presentation.

‘Come, Follow Me’

The community of Don Bosco, Lonavla, along with the Salesian Novices, organised a two-day ‘Come and See’ Camp for the boys aspiring to discern their vocation and become Salesians on 14 January 2023. Around 76 boys from Salesian institutions and parishes all over the province were present for the camp.

In the morning, the boys arrived along with their regional vocation team animators and were welcomed by Fr Blany Pinto, the Rector. Fr Joyston Machado introduced the team of animators to the boys, while also briefing them on the various parts of the house and the focus of the aspirantate. With a few ice-breakers, the campers broke for lunch, wherein they interacted with the aspirants.

In the afternoon, Fr Pinto showed the boys a video on Don Bosco, and explained to them the uniqueness and importance of our personal choices. He added that it is God who bestows us with gifts and talents and we in turn make personal choices to respond to these gifts. These personal choices are meant to be more altruistic and other-oriented. The aspirants organized a series of animated games in the evening for the boys to interact with each other.

The newly ordained priest, Fr Kiran Ruptakke, celebrating the mass was the highlight of the evening. He shared how he had been inspired by the calling of Matthew, and how his ordination theme was derived from the same. He also invited the boys to be open to God’s call and to seek guidance from the staff at Lonavla in order to understand and discern the vocation that God calls them to. The aspirants and camp boys also had some time for interaction with Fr Ruptakke wherein they asked questions about his journey to priesthood.

The next day, a few Salesians shared their experience of their time as aspirants at Don Bosco, Lonavla, and how it helped them understand and discern God’s call in their life. Some of the aspirants also shared their experience and lifestyle at Lonavala. The camp ended with the campers filling in their admission application to join the aspirantate. In conclusion, Fr Machado spoke of the role of Mary in the life of everyone who comes to a Salesian house. He asked the campers to look back at the whole camp and to pick out what they have gained from their stay at Lonavala, and how they would implement it in their lives.

In their vote of thanks, the boys told the community that they were inspired by the various activities conducted in the aspirantate and were appreciative of the lovely interaction they had with the residing aspirants.

English Euphoria at Don Bosco Lonavla

The students of the English Academy at Don Bosco, Lonavla, organized an English Euphoria Evening for all the aspirants on 11 January 2023. The purpose for the Euphoria was to help boost the level of confidence of the students of the English Academy.

Students were asked to recite poems that they had learnt, while also narrate stories with a moral. Each of the students presented a particular style of poetry: haiku, ballad, sonnet, and so on. Interspersed all through the event, the students also quizzed the aspirants through puzzles, riddles and brain-teasers.

Apart from the teachers of the English Academy, the event was also graced by Ms Asgari Sayeed, a teacher at Don Bosco, Lonavla, and Mrs Sandhya, a former teacher at Auxilium Convent, Lonavla. Both the teachers are passionate and committed towards helping the young better themselves.

All through their stay at Lonavala during the past months, the students of the English Academy also worked on developing various skills and talents. Some of

them showcased these in front of the audience. A number of them sang songs and hymns in English while a few others played instrumental medleys for the aspirants.Fr Joyston Machado, the Prefect of Studies, encouraged the young students to give in their best and to be courageous in standing in front of people to speak in English. Another interesting aspect of the whole event was the role play that the students prepared in pairs. Each pair prepared a short skit enacting two characters while engaging in conversation. A spontaneous interactive session was also carried out wherein, the aspirants asked the English Academy students to speak extempore on a topic given to them. These topics ranged from quotations to short imaginative questions. The students were asked to deliver a minute long talk after preparing themselves for half a minute.

Some of the aspirants marveled at the level of improvement in each of the students of the English Academy. Anurag Kamliya, one of the aspirants, said that he was quite impressed with the efforts the students took to improve their English. Fr Blany Pinto, the Rector, congratulated the students and the teachers for their hard work in bringing to reality this creative endeavor.

LOKHIT: Lonavla Khandala Improvement Thrust

A document entitled ‘LOKHIT’ (LOnavla KHandala Improvement Thrust) was released on Wednesday, 21 December 2022 at the hands of Mr Saurabh Rao, IAS, the Divisional Commissioner of Pune during a short ceremony in the presence of Mr Pandit Patil, CEO of Lonavla Municipal Corporation.

Being the Diamond Jubilee year of Don Bosco, Lonavla, the Management wanted to make an unique contribution to the town of Lonavla. 26 students, guided by the teachers of the institution and mentored by Commander Sunil Dhulekar and Mr. Makarand Newalkar, both seniors of the J. M. Bakshi Group, took up the challenge and conducted a sample survey of 500 respondents. This was done to understand the various sectors that are offered to the citizenry as well as tourists.

Lonavla, a hill-town strategically located between Mumbai and Pune has been an attraction as a place of leisure and stress-buster during weekends. In an attempt to cater to the tourists, Lonavla has made provision for all city-life luxuries. The increasing pressure on the city’s infrastructure because of the above factors along with the high volume of floating population necessitated an assessment of the development needs. This was possible by conducting a study of the strengths and opportunities that are sustaining Lonavla and by identifying weaknesses and threats too.

Mr Krishna Kotak, Chairman J. M. Baxi group of companies, trustee of VBK Foundation and an alumnus of Don Bosco Lonavla had proposed this project. Being the backbone of the project, he delivered the keynote address. This was followed by a presentation of the document by Commander Sunil Dhulekar after which Mr Jaideep Samarth, President of Lonavla & Khandala Citizens Forum, offered citizens perspective. This was followed by the chief guest, Mr Rao, addressing the gathering and releasing the document. He assured the people that he would make necessary interventions suggested in the report. He also called for a meeting of the concerned people on 12 January to discuss how the project can be taken forward and to fix a timeline to accomplish the same.

Some students were apprehensive while others excited. There were lots of apprehensions on the part of the students before the survey began. “I was wondering whether the people from whom information was being sought would be patient with us and would give us appropriate answers”, said Ms Swaleha Mevegar.

Ms Afrin Khan, a college teacher said, “As a teacher in the Commerce Section, it was a great experience to see a practical application of what we teach in the classroom. I felt very proud and happy as the document was being released that I got an opportunity to be a part of this economic survey.” Mr Apurva Chatterjee, a senior college teacher of Mathematics and Physics said, “It initially appeared mission impossible as it was difficult to convince the students and parents, above all the people whom we were encountering. But now when the document is ready I feel mission accomplished! It’s very satisfying and pleasing that our students can do such wonderful projects if guided properly.” “I was really excited to see the outcome of our survey come out in the form of a published document” exclaimed a student participant. Ms Saniya Oswal.

No one can gainsay the fact that Don Bosco has made a huge difference to the residents of Lonavla by imparting education over the last 60 years. But a sample survey resulting in a rich document, seeking to develop Lonavla in a comprehensive manner, is a distinct and singular contribution.

Don Bosco, Lonavla, owes a huge debt of gratitude to Mr Kotak for proposing the idea and to his team for mentoring and supporting the students and teachers throughout the project. It is grateful to Mr Jeevan Elayath who was a liaison between the Don Bosco Management and JM Bakshi group of companies ensuring that the project sees the light of day.

Extraordinary Visitation at DB Lonavla

The community of Don Bosco, Lonavla, began its extraordinary visitation on 25 November 2022 with the presence of the General Councillor for South Asia, Fr Biju Michael Pulianmackal SDB.

Having arrived in Lonavla on 25 November 2022, Fr Biju Michael received a warm welcome by the community members and the English Academy boys. After light refreshments, the regional immediately began his program by addressing the students of the School and Junior College. In his address, he advised them to be proactive by using the example of a thermometer and a thermostat. All the students were enamoured by his lovely personality.

Following this, Fr Biju Michael addressed the confreres of the community of Lonavla in the opening conference. In this address, he focused on the three aspects of consecrated life, community and mission and gave the example of Paul and Silas in the prison, who despite having the worst of situations still continue to praise and thank God for all that had happened. Fr Biju then met the community members individually.

After lunch, Fr Biju Michael met and addressed the teachers of the school, and thanked them for their generous service. He encouraged all the teachers to grow their knowledge of Don Bosco. He also met the Salesian Co-operators of the region. He continued meeting the confreres of the community throughout the day and finally addressed the aspirants at night.

The following day, 26 November 2022, Fr Biju Michael celebrated Mass for the community and broke the word of God through a simple and effective homily. He met the House Council followed by the closing conference to the entire community in which he presented his report and recommendations and thanked the community for their pleasant hospitality.

Fr Biju Michael’s extraordinary visitation to Don Bosco, Lonavla, was indeed a moment filled with the grace of God and something which will help the community grow and improve. He truly touched the lives of everyone he met here. Everyone loved the humble and down-to-earth manner in which the extraordinary visitor conducted himself.

Personality Development and Theatre Workshop at DB Lonavla

Don Bosco Aspirantate, Lonavla, organized a two-day Personality Development and Theatrics Workshop for the aspirants, on 26 and 27 November 2022. The workshop aimed to enhance the communication skills of the aspirants through the medium of theatre. The workshop was conducted by theatre experts Mr Leroy Santos and Ms Betty Santos.

A renowned playwright in Mumbai, Mr Santos has staged a number of plays and musicals in and is well-known for training youth in acting and theatrics. He also conducts sessions and workshops on personality development and communication skills to help the young become confident in their daily lives.

Mr Santos began the workshop by helping aspirants understand their personality traits and characteristics, and that of being a good communicator. The aspirants were asked to state the important traits and qualities they felt necessary to be a good communicator. Building on this, they were asked to evaluate their own communication skills and understand where they would need to improve, so as to become a better and effective communicator.

These skills were then put to use by way of activities, wherein the aspirants had to prepare and present speeches in front of the audience. They were also provided feedback to help them improve their public speaking skills. This session also addressed the spiritual side of communication. One such aspect was training the aspirants to read the liturgy in a befitting manner. The workshop also focused on theatrics and staging of plays and musicals. The aspirants were challenged to stage a short play entitled ‘Radio Chikki’; and so,were trained into the nuances of acting, singing and dialogue delivery. This skit was staged in front of the staff of the community.

One of the activities to facilitate their acting skills was entitled ‘Whose Line Is It Anyway’. Just like the reality TV show with the same name, the aspirants were formed into groups and given a situation to enact. After each enactment, the other groups had to give their feedback and suggestions. The sessions were a perfect blend of theory and practice. The aspirants were given various activities to help practice, understand and apply all that was taught to them. Working in groups helped them to learn the importance and role of collaboration in an activity.

All the aspirants were extremely grateful for the insights provided by Mr Santos and Ms Santos. Hansel Fernandes, one of the aspirants, remarked saying that he felt his self-confidence had improved and he was able to learn a thing or two about how to be an effective communicator.

‘Come, See and Stay’

The community of Don Bosco Lonavla along with the Salesian Novices began a two-day ‘Come and See’ Camp for the boys aspiring to discern their vocation and join the aspirantate on 19 November 2022. Around 60 boys were present from Salesian institutions and parishes all over the province.

The boys arrived along with their regional vocation team animators in the morning where they were welcomed by Fr Blany Pinto, the Rector. Fr Joyston Machado introduced the whole team of animators to the boys while also briefing them on the various parts of the house and the whole focus of the aspirantate. With a few ice-breakers, the campers broke for lunch wherein they interacted with the aspirants.

In the afternoon, the boys had a one-on-one encounter with the aspirants who described how life goes on in the boarding on a daily basis. A few of the aspirants also accompanied the boys as they embarked on a trek to Tungarli. The boys had a wonderful time interacting with and getting to know the aspirants.

During the Eucharist, Fr Machado and Fr Pinto also oriented the boys into what it means to be part of a ‘Come and See’ camp. Fr Pinto also told the boys that Jesus himself not only called his boys to come and see but also invited them to stay with him a while. In a similar manner, he said that the ‘Come and See’ camp should also encourage the boys to join the aspirantate.

The highlight for the evening was the felicitation of the practical trainees of the house, by way of a family circle. The aspirants showed their gratitude for all that the brothers do for them in the house by creatively putting up a skit, dance and a song. This was a good occasion to show the campers the family spirit in Don Bosco, Lonavla

The following day, a few Salesians also shared their experience at Don Bosco Lonavla and how it helped them understand and discern God’s call in their life. The camp ended with the campers filling in their admission application to join the aspirantate.

In their vote of thanks, the campers did tell the community that they were quite taken up with the various activities conducted in the aspirantate and were appreciative of the lovely interaction they had with the residing aspirants.

Vocation Team Meet at DB Lonavla

With the aim to strengthen vocation animation in the Province, the vocation teams of some of the Salesian presences of the province gathered together at Don Bosco Lonavla for a two-day workshop beginning on 12 November 2022. The vocation teams from the Salesian presences of Andheri, Kurla, Nashik, Alirajpur, Borivali, Ahmednagar, Matunga, and Nerul took part in this meeting wherein they shared, evaluated and suggested various strategies to help better accompany the young in listening and following God’s call. Various Salesians of the Vocation commission also joined the meeting along with the various lay members of the vocation teams.

At the inaugural Eucharist, Fr Blany Pinto spoke of the call of all Christians to be witnesses of the Good News to the world. He stressed on the importance of lay people as leaven in the dough of the world wherein they spread the Good News to others by their daily dealings. Fr Mylin Noronha oriented the participants into the role of lay people in the digital world. Taking cue from various Vatican documents he spoke of lay people being called to spread the light of Christ and bring about joy and hope. Fr Noronha also helped the lay people in adapting Don Bosco’s method of accompaniment in accordance to the signs of the time. He added that one ought to be effective in the digital world as a lay person.

Later in the day, the members of the vocation team went on a trek with a group of aspirants and got familiar with each other. In the evening, Fr Savio Silveira, the Provincial, addressed the vocation teams present. He thanked them for their voluntary service and the Salesians for their efforts and commitment. While speaking of Don Bosco’s own vocation story, he spoke of how lay people helped Don Bosco achieve his dream towards becoming a priest. He added that just like some are called to be priests, brothers or sisters, there are still others who are called to be vocation animators. The day concluded with the aspirants showcasing their talents in front of the team members.

The following day, the vocation team members joined the aspirants for the Holy Eucharist presided over by Fr Silveira. In his homily, he spoke of the call to be a religious and how one ought to go about discerning God’s call in their life. Later, the vocation teams presented their works and future plans and activities regarding vocation animation.

During the day, Fr Joyston Machado shared the action plan of the aspirantate that focused on how the various activities of the house help in the aspirants’ overall growth. Fr Pinto then shared his views on vocation animation and also encouraged the participants to share in their ideas and insights as to how the task of vocation animation can be better facilitated. A few of the aspirants also interacted with the participants and shared their experience in the aspirantate and how the activities of the house have helped them to grow and also discern their vocation.

All the participants left with renewed ideas and insights as to how the vocation animation of the Province can be better facilitated to help garner more vocations for the Church and the Salesian Congregation.

मावळवार्ता - डॉन बॉस्को हायस्कूलचा हिरक महोत्सव उत्साहात संपन्न.

Don Bosco Lonavla Felicitates Mrs Sonali Shelke

On Sunday, 23 October 2022, during the Diamond Jubilee celebrations of Don Bosco, Lonavla, the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, presented a citation to Mrs Sonali Shelke, in recognition for her social outreach work among the poorest of the poor. Mrs Shelke has been on Don Bosco’s outreach staff since 2009. She resides at Bhaje village near Karla, 90 kilometers from Mumbai.

Her association had a humble beginning as a craft teacher to the students of Maria Ashiana – a rehabilitation center for substance abuse youngsters. It was at that time, Fr Barnabe D’Souza initiated Mrs Shelke to work with the adivasi community in Lonavla. He introduced her to the community development projects with the adivasis in the villages.

Mrs Shelke was able to fit in easily and take up the tasks entrusted efficiently as she had the inclination and desire to work for the upliftment of the poor from her younger days. She also grew up with her parents and her teachers inculcating in her that what she has received she must share with the poor. All this motivated her to collaborate with the projects of Fr D’Souza, who taught her the basics of social work in the village.

Prior to embarking on her journey in social service, Mrs Shelke learnt about the rights of the poor and the various schemes available for the poor. She then commenced the social work by trying to obtain the various documents for the adivasis: Adhaar card, ration card, caste certificate, death certificate, school certificate. She began to explain the functioning of the gram panchayat to the adivasi community, and how they ought to raise their concerns in the panchayat meeting. She motivated the children to pursue school education, and began tailoring classes for the women.

Due to this, the villagers began to benefit from the various government schemes. Consequently, these villages were on the path to progressive development as there were lots of improvements within the villages and among the villagers. Villagers obtained various certificates, children got educated, roads were constructed, provision for water was made, and few obtained houses through various government schemes. This brought contentment and self-satisfaction to Mrs Shelke, and she was motivated to do more and more for the villagers. Mutalne village, thickly populated with adivasis, began to invite the Don Bosco staff to dedicate time for the improvement of their lives.

Mrs Shelke’s family has been very supportive of her venture. Her husband, Ravi, decided to leave his job and dedicate his time and energy to work with Sonali for the adivasis. Due to this, during covid, with the help of Mrs Unita Doulton, around 10,000 food kits were distributed to 14 villages in a period of five months.

Recognizing her dedication and efforts for more than a decade for the upliftment of the adivasis in and around Lonavla, the Adivasi Welfare and Savardhan Society, Pune, presented her with an award on 9 August 2022. This has motivated Sonali to pursue her studies in the field of social work and she wants to dedicate her entire life for the upliftment of the adivasi community. She is indeed grateful to Don Bosco, especially to Fr D’Souza who initiated and mentored her, and to Fr Xavier Devadas who supported her. She is also grateful to her teachers, Mr Ramesh Bondre and Mr Ranganath Vare. She is also deeply grateful to her husband Mr Ravi Shelke for all the support he extends, and his continued cooperation with her.

Diamond Jubilee Celebrations at Don Bosco Lonavla

The diamond jubilee celebrations of Don Bosco Lonavla concluded on a grand note with the visit of the Rector Major, Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime on 23 October 2022. A large number of past-pupils, benefactors, and Salesians joined the community on this auspicious occasion.

Don Bosco Lonavla, has its own roots as this institution was set up as an aspirantate for the boys of the Bombay and Goa Regions. During the initial years, the aspirantate was set up in one of the bungalows in Lonavla belonging to Mr. D. C. Nazir. Under the able leadership of Fr. Joseph Murphy, the first rector of the house, the academic year began on June 28, 1962. Two years later, the aspirantate shifted to its present premises with Fr. Mauro Casarotti as its new Rector.

Over the past year, there have been numerous activities to commemorate this special milestone, which culminated with the visit of the Rector Major.

The entire day was filled with activities and cultural programmes prepared by the aspirants and the school students, who showcased their talents in singing, dancing and playing a number of band pieces. Singing to the tune of ‘Radiate Salesian Life’ the aspirants, under the guidance of Mr. Joey Mendoza, the composer, expressed the reason why Salesian life is so precious and unique to the Church and the world. The Bosco Brass of Lonavala, performed Ludwig Beethoven’s ‘Ode to Joy’ bringing the celebration to life with the grandeur and richness of the whole piece itself.

Arriving in Lonavla, the Rector Major was felicitated and welcomed by the aspirants, teachers and the community by way of a welcome song prepared specially for the occasion. During his homily, the Rector Major spoke about having a heart that is grateful, generous and warm-hearted, that can lend itself in the service of others. This, according to him, is the way to express gratitude to God for all the blessings one has received.

The cultural program brought in a fitting finale to the Diamond Jubilee celebrations. Apart from the various performances done, a few outstanding individuals were also honoured for their various contributions to the mission of the house.

Mrs. Sonali Shinde was presented with a token of appreciation by the Rector Major for her exceptional contribution in the field of migrant and tribal ministry in Lonavla. Mrs. Shinu Jose, a member of the Vocation team in Gujarat, released her new book “O Happy Fault” in the presence of the Rector Major. In response, Fr. Ángel surprised and entertained the gathering by performing two Spanish songs. It was indeed a memorable moment in the history of Don Bosco Lonavla, to have been blessed by the tenth successor of Don Bosco on the occasion of the diamond jubilee.