By Fr Avil Correa for BIS Mumbai
On Saturday, February 22, 2025, the Salesians at Don Bosco, Lonavla were blessed to have their close family members visiting the community all together. This coming together of the families of confreres served as a beautiful occasion for the Salesians as well as the family members to get to know each other better in order to build strong familial bonds.
Those who made it to Lonavla early on Saturday morning had the opportunity to join in for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 11:45 am together with the aspirants, presided by the rector, Fr Blany Pinto.
The highlight of the occasion was a well-planned, fun-filled evening of games, which ended with a sumptuous meal. The evening began at 6:30 pm with Fr Blany introducing each member of the community to the gathering of families. 35 persons were present, Salesians included, for the evening.
The first game conducted was the bingo name game, which required each individual to go to another to fill in 25 different names on their personal ticket grids in order to play bingo. A game of ‘Bombing the City’ and ‘Housie’ were conducted thereafter. The families appreciated the animated evening, which allowed them to get to know each other better. The winners were awarded with attractive keychains with the Salesian vocation promotion motif.
The evening concluded with a delicious supper wherein all who were gathered spent a memorable evening in delightful company.
The following day, i.e. 23 February 2025, all the family members joined in for the Sunday Eucharist at 7:00 am together with the aspirants. This new initiative was highly appreciated by both the Salesians and their families as it provided them an opportunity to spend quality time with each other.
By Br Ankita Shelke for BIS Mumbai
The ordination of Deacon Avil Correa took place on December 21, 2023, at the Shrine of Don Bosco’s Madonna, Matunga-Mumbai. His Eminence Cardinal Oswald Gracias presided over the Solemn Eucharist, joined by priests, religious, family members, and friends.
Cardinal Gracias delivered a meaningful homily emphasizing that a priest is a gift of God to society. He also pressed upon the importance of young people joining the priesthood and how it is the hope for today.
During the sacred rite, Cardinal Gracias and the priests present laid hands on Deacon Avil, conferring upon him the grace of priesthood through the Holy Spirit. The newly ordained Fr Avil was then vested with the priestly stole and chasuble, followed by the presentation of the chalice and paten.
Fr Savio Silveira, Provincial of the Mumbai Salesian Province, expressed gratitude to Cardinal Gracias and congratulated Fr Avil and his family. Fr Avil then offered words of thanks to all who supported his journey to priesthood. His ordination motto- “Abide in My love.” John 15:9 is inspired by the motif of Sacred Heart of Jesus in Rome. At the bottom of the image at the main altar are the words “praebe fill mi, cor tuum mihi” which translates as “Bring, my child, your heart to me”.
By Br Royston Colaco for BIS Mumbai
Over two transformative days in Lonavala, the discernment retreat “Speak, Lord, Your Servant is Listening” provided twenty-three aspirant participants – including three from Alirajpur, with a profound journey of introspection and spiritual renewal. The retreat, held on December 7 and 8, focused on themes of identity, belonging, and purpose, combining reflective activities with creative expressions of faith. Mumbai Salesians’ Province Delegate for Social Communication, Fr Joyston Machado animated the retreat in tandem with Br Royston Colaco, the Province Vocation Animator.
The first day explored the question, “Who Am I Before God?” Participants began with reflections on the story of Samuel, lighting symbolic candles as a gesture of readiness to hear God’s voice. A session on Freedom, Identity, Belonging, and Purpose (FIBP) encouraged participants to delve into their personal spirituality, while a creative workshop, “As Clay in the Hands of the Potter,” used the act of shaping clay to symbolize surrender to divine guidance.
One of the most striking exercises, “What Do You Want Your Tombstone to Say?” prompted participants to evaluate their lives and reflect on how their choices aligned with their values. The day balanced profound moments with lighter activities, such as the Zombie Game, which imparted lessons on teamwork, awareness, and faith.
The second day shifted focus to discerning God’s call to action, asking the question, “What Does God Want Me to Do?” A reflective Rosary Walk inspired by Mary’s “Yes” set the tone, followed by a celebratory Eucharist. Participants explored their spiritual journeys through sessions like “Journey of Life” and “Need to Be Accompanied Before Accompanying Others.” The retreat concluded with “Faces of Jesus,” where participants responded to God’s call through creative prayer and letter-writing.
As the retreat drew to a close with a benediction and a slideshow of memorable moments, participants left with a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper connection to their faith. The event served as a gentle yet profound awakening to the presence of God’s voice in everyday life, inspiring the aspirant-participants to embrace their spiritual paths with clarity and trust.
The entire two-day process culminated in the aspirants handing over their individual applications during the solemn concelebrated festal mass in honour of the Immaculate Conception, presided over by Don Bosco Lonavla Vice-Rector and Principal, Fr Ranson D’Souza.
By Br Royston Colaco for BISMumbai
To motivate and encourage young boys to discern their vocation, Don Bosco Lonavala hosted an engaging ‘Come & See’ camp for boys of classes 7 and 8 on November 23-24, 2024. Designed to inspire young minds, the two-day event beautifully blended spirituality with fun and learning.
The Come & See camp attracted around 50 enthusiastic participants from all over the Province right from Alirajput to Vasai-Virar. All the boys participating in the camp were eager to explore Salesian life and understand Don Bosco’s legacy.
The camp was coordinated by Br Royston Colaco, the Vocation Promoter of the Salesian Province of Bombay, who set the tone with sessions on “Being a Good Samaritan” and “Being an Active Listener of the Lord.” Dn Avil Correa enriched the gathering with insights on “Being Faithful to One’s Duties,” encouraging responsibility and integrity in daily life. The boys also enjoyed an animated film on St. John Bosco with a discussion, skillfully crafted by Fr Blany Pinto which highlighted the saint’s life and mission.
The boys also had some fun interactive moments with the aspirants at Don Bosco Lonavala. These were done through an adventurous trek, letting the boys immerse and enjoy themselves amidst the beauty of nature while also nurturing teamwork thorugh the various activites en route to the trek destination.
Prayer formed the camp’s spiritual core, with Mass, Adoration, and Rosary guiding the boys towards deeper faith. Cl Pranit Kokya brought energy and excitement with animated night games, while a well-organized treasure hunt thrilled participants with strategic clues, wrapping up the day with smiles and camaraderie. A few select aspirants wanting to pursue their calling as future Salesians, helped Br Colaco in the organisation.
The camp was a resounding success, blending prayer, play, and learning into an unforgettable memorable experience for all.
By Br Royston Colaco for BIS Mumbai
A group of Catholic young men from Class 12 and college levels from Mumbai, Vasai, Pune and Madhya Pradesh embarked on an eye-opening mission trip deep into Gujarat’s tribal heartlands. The “Exploring Mission Life” camp, held from October 26 to November 1, aimed to offer these youth a true Salesian experience by immersing them in the daily lives of the Rathwa tribe across Kawant, Chhotaudepur, and Narukot. Organized by the Salesian community of Don Bosco Kawant, the initiative was led by Province Vocation Animator Br Royston Colaco, with Cl Rohan D’Souza as his dedicated assistant.
The camp, guided by the motto “Search, Stay, Discern, and Do,” invited participants to step out of their comfort zones and engage with a lifestyle deeply rooted in the earth. For two days, these young men lived in the villages of Kawra, Kochvad and Gungalia, experiencing firsthand the resilient simplicity of tribal life. “The Rathwa community opened our eyes to a different way of living,” reflected one participant. “Their resilience, generosity, and love for their heritage were inspiring.” From fetching water at dawn to preparing traditional meals and lending hands in the fields, they embraced the rhythms of rural life, forging a bond of mutual respect and understanding.
A memorable part of their journey was the day of outdoor adventure—a trek to the scenic Khandabari Dam, which provided both a physical challenge and an exhilarating communion with nature. The campers also engaged in field work and environmental cleanup within village surroundings, taking active roles in preserving the natural beauty of the area.
Educational sessions formed a core part of the camp. Deacon Agnel Dias held an impactful workshop on “Mission & a 10-Point Mission Outlook,” encouraging the participants to find purpose and direction in their lives. In another session, Fr. Mayank Parmar provided insights into the Social Work initiatives carried out by DISHA Development Centre, helping participants understand the outreach efforts for local empowerment and development.
The camp extended beyond Kawant as they visited neighboring communities in Narukot, Chhotaudepur, Alirajpur, Makarpura-Vadodara, and Snehalaya: the Child Care Institue run by the Salesians at Vishwamitri, enriching their understanding of the region’s diversity. The campers organized games and activities for local children, bringing joy and laughter into the community.
As the week came to a close, these young men returned with a deepened sense of purpose, moved by the warmth of the Rathwa people and enriched by their Salesian mission experience. The camp, bridging cultural and spiritual divides, offered them a unique opportunity to reflect on the value of service, solidarity, and understanding across cultures.
By Fr Joyston Machado
The Salesian Province of Mumbai was privileged to host a series of deeply spiritual and inspiring retreats led by Fr Pascual Chávez SDB, former Rector Major of the Salesians of Don Bosco, from September 22 to October 12, 2024. The retreats, held at Don Bosco Lonavla and Prayer House Khandala, brought together rectors, leaders, confreres in the decennium, and those under general patronage. These retreats offered a unique opportunity for spiritual renewal and deeper reflection on Salesian life, leadership, and the mission entrusted by Don Bosco to his sons.
In his opening talk, Fr Chávez set the spiritual tone for the retreats with the theme “Your Face, Lord, Do I Seek.” This call to seek God’s face served as the foundation for all his reflections, urging the participants to encounter Christ in a profound, personal way, and to allow this relationship to inspire their ministry.
The first retreat, from September 22 to 28, focused on rectors and leaders of Salesian communities. Fr Chávez addressed the unique role of rectors, emphasizing their responsibility as spiritual leaders and animators of fraternity within their communities. His sessions on Rectors as Leaders stressed that Salesian leadership is rooted in service, humility, and wisdom. He encouraged rectors to lead by example, fostering environments of trust, love, and mutual support, where each confrere can grow in his vocation.
From September 29 to October 5, the retreat at Khandala was aimed at Salesians in their decennium – those within their first ten years of priesthood or perpetual profession. For them, Fr Chávez’s reflections on the Experience of God and Religious Vocation were particularly relevant. He reminded the participants that their vocation is a gift from God and that their mission is to be lived out with joy and enthusiasm, particularly in their service to the young, especially the poor. Echoing his first letter as Rector Major, “My Dear Salesians, Be Saints!”, Fr Chávez called on the young Salesians to strive for holiness, emphasizing that a personal relationship with Christ should always be at the heart of their ministry.
The final ongoing retreat, from October 6 to 12, is designed for those under general patronage, and here Fr Chávez takes a broader perspective, focusing on themes such as Christian Hope and Fraternal Life. He connected Don Bosco’s Dream at the Age of Nine to the contemporary Salesian mission, urging participants to be bearers of hope in a world that often feels overwhelmed by despair. “Christian hope,” he emphasized, “must be the driving force of our mission.” In these reflections, Fr Chávez offered practical guidance on how to live out the Salesian charism in today’s world, especially by cultivating love, which he described as “the fruit of the Spirit.”
A recurring theme throughout the retreats was the need to be “the hope that overturns the world.” Fr Chávez urged the participants to live their Salesian vocation with courage, conviction, and an unwavering sense of mission, reminding them that their call is to transform the world by serving the young, especially those on the margins.
Fr Chávez’s simplicity and holiness were evident in his approach. He began each session with a prayer to the Holy Spirit and a Hail Mary, grounding his reflections in prayer and inviting participants to do the same. His ability to weave together deep theological insights with practical examples from his time as Rector Major, and his ministry around the world, made his talks accessible and relatable.
As the retreats concluded, there was a profound sense of gratitude among the participants. Fr Chávez’s presence had renewed their commitment to their Salesian vocation, inspiring them to live out their mission with greater zeal and joy. His words had rekindled their passion for serving the young, particularly the poor, and reminded them that holiness is at the heart of their Salesian calling.
In the words of one participant, “These retreats have been a moment of grace, a time to come closer to God, and a powerful reminder of our Salesian mission to be saints in the service of the young.” The spiritual and charismatic renewal experienced during these retreats will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on the province.